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   中国临床医学  2024, Vol. 31 Issue (1): 85-91      DOI: 10.12025/j.issn.1008-6358.2024.20231601
唐文娟 , 邵珍珍 , 季涧琳 , 陆群峰 , 陈嘉玲     
上海市儿童医院护理部, 上海 200062
摘要目的: 构建儿科医务人员应对传染病突发事件的应急能力评价指标体系。方法: 以PPRR(预防、准备、反应、恢复)风险管理模型为基础, 采用文献研究法和半结构式访谈法初步构建儿科医务人员传染病突发事件应急能力评价体系; 采用专家函询法、层次分析法, 确定儿科医务人员传染病突发事件应急能力评价体系内容和各指标权重。结果: 最终获得一级指标4个、二级指标13个、三级指标37个, 并确定相应指标的权重系数。2轮专家函询的问卷回收率分别为100% 和94.44%, 专家判断系数(Ca)均为0.922, 熟悉程度(Cs)均为0.811, 权威系数(Cr)均为0.866 5。结论: 基于PPRR风险管理模型构建的儿科医务人员传染病突发事件应急能力评价指标具有较高的科学性和实用性, 后续仍需在实践中继续优化和完善。
关键词传染病    儿科    应急能力    评价指标    专家函询    
Construction of evaluation index system for emergency response ability of pediatric medical staff in infectious disease emergencies
TANG Wenjuan , SHAO Zhenzhen , JI Jianlin , LU Qunfeng , CHEN Jialing     
Department of Nursing, Children's Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai 200062, China
Abstract: Objective: To construct an evaluation index system for emergency response ability of pediatric medical staff in infectious disease emergencies. Methods: Based on the risk management model of PPRR (prevention, preparation, response, recovery), the evaluation system of pediatric medical staff's emergency ability in infectious disease emergencies was established by using the methods of literature research and semi-structured interview, and the contents of the evaluation system and the weight of each index were determined by expert consultation and analytic hierarchy process. Results: A total of 4 primary indicators, 13 secondary indicators, and 37 tertiary indicators were ultimately achieved, and the weight coefficients of the corresponding indicators were determined. The questionnaire response rates for the two rounds of expert consultation were 100% and 94.44%, respectively. The expert judgment coefficient (Ca) for the two rounds of consultation was 0.922, the familiarity (Cs) was 0.811, and the authority coefficient (Cr) was 0.866 5. Conclusions: The evaluation index system for the response ability of pediatric medical staff in infectious disease emergencies based on the PPRR risk management model is highly scientific and practical, and it still needs to be optimized and improved in practice.
Key words: infectious diseases    pediatrics    emergency response ability    evaluation indicators    expert consultation    

近年来,全球范围内的各种传染病疫情严重威胁着人类的生命健康及财产安全。每年我国上报的传染病例数超过500万例,而实际病例数远超上报例数,给社会、家庭带来不可估量的损害[1]。随着医学的发展和计划接种的普及,部分儿童烈性传染病已得到控制,但病原体的变异却引起一些新发传染病。根据世界卫生组织(WHO)报道,全世界每天死于传染病的儿童可达4 383例,几乎每分钟都有超过140万的儿童感染传染病,儿童健康受到严重威胁[2]。由此可见,儿童传染病的防控不容忽视。在儿童传染病突发事件防控应对过程中,儿科医务人员的及时响应、合理配置和救援能力是决定救援质量和结局的核心要素之一[3]。然而,我国医务人员对传染病突发事件的应对能力处于较低水平[4-6],仍须积极开展相关能力评价及培训[7-8]。PPRR危机管理模式包括预防(prevention)、准备(preparation)、反应或应对(response)、恢复(recovery)4部分,强调危机管理的全过程[9]。PPRR作为国际上通用的危机处理模式,广泛应用于危机管理中[10-11]。本研究以PPRR风险管理模型为理论依据,采用专家函询法,构建儿科医务人员传染病应急能力评价指标体系,为儿科医护人员传染病突发事件培训方案的制订提供依据。

1 资料与方法 1.1 成立研究小组


1.2 初步构建评价指标体系 1.2.1 理论依据

采用文献研究法,检索中国知网、万方数据库、维普数据库等中文数据库以及Pubmed、Web of Science等英文数据库,以“突发公共卫生事件/传染病”“儿科/儿童”“能力/应急能力/危机管理”为中文检索词,以“public health/epidemic/emergencies/infectious diseases”“pediatrics/children/kids/infants/neonates”“risk/disaster/crisis/emergency capability”为英文检索词,对涉及儿科医务人员传染病突发事件应急能力的评价维度、评价指标、评价方法等进行梳理和分析,同时查阅国务院和国家卫生健康委员会相关政策、法规、条例等。基于PPRR理论拟定儿科医务人员传染病突发事件应对能力培训框架一级指标(预防、准备、应对、恢复)。根据WHO突发事件应对行动框架里的危机应对要素[12],拟定二级指标。三级指标在二级指标的基础上结合文献研究结果细化,使之成为具体可执行的条目。

1.2.2 半结构式访谈

采用半结构式访谈法对三级指标进行补充,纳入的访谈对象均来自儿童三级甲等专科医院,包括医务处主任1名,护理部主任1名,急诊科主任1名,感染科主任1名,曾参加新冠救治对外支援或参与本市新冠病毒感染救治的医疗队员8名。访谈提纲:(1)您认为构建儿科医务人员重大传染病应急能力评价指标体系有哪些意义?(2)儿科医务人员重大传染病应急能力主要包含哪些方面?(3)与传统的应急能力培养及评价相比,您认为目前儿科医务人员最需要提升的是哪方面的应急能力?(4)您认为您自身及您的同事在本次新冠病毒感染重症患者救治过程中最有用的应急能力是哪些?(5)关于儿科医务人员重大传染病应急能力评价指标体系,您还有什么合理化建议吗?获得知情同意后,在安静的会议室内进行一对一访谈,全程录音,访谈期间不轻易打断访谈对象,对观点理解不清或偏离主题时及时给予澄清和确认。访谈结束24 h内整理资料,根据文献分析和半结构式访谈结果,初步构建16个二级指标、40个三级指标的评价指标体系。

1.3 专家函询法 1.3.1 专家遴选


1.3.2 设计函询问卷

专家函询问卷共分为3部分:(1)问卷说明,介绍研究问题、研究目的及回答方式。(2)函询主体内容,即儿科医务人员传染病突发事件应急能力指标体系的草案。指标体系内容以条目的形式呈现,每个一级指标下设二级、三级指标,专家按照Likert 5级评分法(5=“非常重要”,4=“较为重要”,3=“一般重要”,2=“较不重要”,1=“很不重要”)对每级指标对应能力的重要性及可行性进行评分;同时,专家可提出增删与修改建议。(3)专家基本情况,包括专家一般资料、工作领域,以及对问卷内容的熟悉程度和判断依据。

1.3.3 实施专家函询


1.4 统计学处理

采用Excel 2019、SPSS 22.0进行数据资料的录入和统计学分析,所有数据均经双人复核录入。计量资料以x±s表示,计数资料以n(%)表示。专家积极程度用问卷有效回收率和提出建议的专家比例表示;专家权威程度用权威系数(Cr)表示,Cr=[判断系数(Ca)+熟悉程度(Cs)]/2;专家意见协调程度用条目变异系数和肯德尔和谐系数(W)表示,W数值范围0~1,数值越大,专家协调程度越高。检验水准(α)为0.05。

2 结果 2.1 函询专家基本情况


2.2 专家的积极性和权威程度

2轮函询分别发放问卷18份,第1轮回收有效问卷18份,第2轮回收有效问卷17份,问卷有效回收率分别为100%和94.44%,表明专家的积极性较高。2轮函询专家Ca均为0.922,Cs均为0.811,Cr均为0.866 5,表明专家对内容选择的把握较大,有较好的权威性。

2.3 专家意见集中程度及协调程度

结果(表 1)显示:第2轮专家函询修正后的评价体系中,各指标的重要性、可行性均数分别为4.39~5.00分、4.06~4.94分;2轮专家函询后,剔除变异系数>0.25的条目,最终保留条目的变异系数为0~0.24。结果(表 2)显示:2轮函询的肯德尔和谐系数分别为0.323和0.396(P<0.05),说明专家意见趋于一致,结果可信度高。

表 1 第2轮专家函询儿科医务人员传染病突发事件应急能力评价指标结果 Tab 1 Results of the evaluation indexes of emergency response ability of pediatric medical staff in the second round of expert consultation
Items Importance score Feasibility score
Mean±SD Cv Mean±SD Cv
1 Prevention 4.39±0.70 0.16 4.11±0.68 0.17
1.1 Knowledge reserve of common infectious diseases 4.89±0.32 0.07 4.83±0.38 0.08
1.1.1 Master the characteristics and prevention and control measures of infectious diseases 4.94±0.24 0.05 4.83±0.38 0.08
1.1.2 Knowledge of detection, treatment and care of common infectious diseases 4.72±0.46 0.10 4.72±0.46 0.10
1.1.3 Proficient in disinfection, isolation and environmental disinfection methods 4.80±0.00 0.00 4.89±0.48 0.10
1.1.4 Proficient in handling occupational exposures related to infectious diseases 5.00±0.00 0.00 4.83±0.51 0.11
1.2 Safety protection and health management ability 4.89±0.32 0.07 4.78±0.55 0.11
1.2.1 Master the protection requirements of common pediatric infectious diseases 4.83±0.51 0.11 4.83±0.38 0.08
1.2.2 Proficient in all protective equipment related operations 4.89±0.32 0.07 4.89±0.32 0.07
1.3 Vaccination knowledge 4.56±0.62 0.14 4.72±0.46 0.10
1.3.1 Master the vaccination procedures for common pediatric infectious diseases and the conditions for initiating emergency vaccination 4.61±0.98 0.21 4.56±0.98 0.21
1.3.2 Scientific popularization of pediatric infectious diseases 4.78±0.55 0.11 4.89±0.47 0.10
1.3.3 Can spread infectious disease related science knowledge to children and parents 4.76±0.57 0.13 4.78±0.52 0.12
2 Preparation 4.22±0.73 0.17 4.00±0.77 0.19
2.1 Relevant laws and regulations 4.78±0.55 0.11 4.83±0.38 0.08
2.1.1 Know relevant laws and regulations 4.78±0.55 0.11 4.94±0.24 0.05
2.1.2 Know the relevant emergency plan 4.56±0.70 0.15 4.89±0.47 0.10
2.2 Relevant regulations within the organization 4.78±0.43 0.09 4.72±0.67 0.14
2.2.1 Be aware of our Public Health Emergency Response Plan 4.67±0.59 0.13 4.89±0.47 0.10
2.2.2 Awareness and ability of information reporting 4.72±0.57 0.12 4.67±0.77 0.16
2.2.3 Understand the ways and methods of infectious disease reporting (information operation capability) 4.67±0.69 0.15 4.72±0.57 0.12
2.2.4 Master the notifiable infectious disease reporting time limit and information reporting scope 4.72±0.57 0.12 4.61±0.85 0.18
3 Response 4.83±0.38 0.08 4.33±0.77 0.18
3.1 Evaluation and monitoring 4.94±0.24 0.05 4.50±0.51 0.11
3.1.1 Accurate and rapid collection of patients and pathogens in this infectious disease emergency 4.72±0.57 0.12 4.78±0.55 0.12
3.1.2 Symptoms can be monitored according to the type of infectious disease 4.72±0.57 0.12 4.44±0.98 0.22
3.1.3 The number of infectious disease cases can be monitored 4.56±0.70 0.15 4.33±0.77 0.18
3.2 Medical treatment of pediatric infectious diseases 4.94±0.24 0.05 4.50±0.51 0.11
3.2.1 Have the ability to prepare children for admission 4.67±0.59 0.13 4.28±1.02 0.24
3.2.2 In the case of wearing protective equipment, the patient’s examination, condition observation, complication prevention, emergency rescue and other diagnosis and nursing practice 5.00±0.00 0.00 4.78±0.43 0.09
3.2.3 Have the ability of rapid evaluation and identification of critical patients 4.89±0.32 0.07 4.50±0.71 0.16
3.3 Public health response 4.94±0.24 0.05 4.44±0.78 0.18
3.3.1 Patients can be classified, triaged and managed to reduce the risk of transmission 4.94±0.24 0.05 4.78±0.43 0.09
3.3.2 Correct implementation of standard prevention 5.00±0.00 0.00 4.78±0.55 0.12
3.3.3 Scientific setting of isolation and sampling sites 4.98±0.13 0.00 4.78±0.51 0.10
3.3.4 Specimens were collected in strict accordance with the relevant technical guidelines for infectious diseases 5.00±0.00 0.00 4.67±0.59 0.13
3.3.5 Ability to implement environmental elimination procedures correctly 5.00±0.00 0.00 4.78±0.43 0.09
3.3.6 Correct patient transport 4.89±0.32 0.07 4.83±0.38 0.08
3.3.7 Ability to properly handle and transport contaminants/medical waste 4.78±0.43 0.09 4.83±0.38 0.08
3.3.8 Master the methods of terminal disinfection 4.89±0.32 0.07 4.83±0.38 0.08
3.3.9 Timely collection, confirmation and transmission of key information in epidemic events 4.72±0.57 0.12 4.33±0.91 0.21
3.4 Information sharing and communication skills 4.83±0.38 0.08 4.17±0.86 0.21
3.4.1 Maintain good communication between yourself and your team 4.94±0.24 0.05 4.50±0.86 0.19
3.4.2 Health education on the spread of infectious diseases 4.83±0.38 0.08 4.50±0.51 0.11
3.5 Medical ethics 4.56±0.51 0.11 4.00±1.08 0.12
3.5.1 Patients’ rights and privacy can be protected in diagnosis, treatment and nursing 4.89±0.32 0.07 4.94±0.24 0.05
4 Recovery 4.39±0.78 0.18 4.16±0.62 0.15
4.1 The restoration of medical order 4.72±0.57 0.12 4.33±0.77 0.12
4.1.1 Cooperate to quickly restore normal medical order 4.83±0.51 0.11 4.56±0.78 0.10
4.2 Patient physical and mental recovery 4.83±0.38 0.08 4.06±0.80 0.20
4.2.1 Provide patients in the convalescent period with knowledge related to infectious disease rehabilitation 4.83±0.38 0.08 4.61±0.70 0.15
4.3 Self repair and enhancement ability 4.78±0.43 0.09 4.06±1.00 0.18
4.3.1 Master the method of self-psychological adjustment 4.94±0.24 0.05 4.78±0.43 0.09
4.3.2 Summarize and reflect on the prevention and control work of myself and my team 4.78±0.43 0.09 4.28±0.83 0.19
表 2 2轮专家函询的肯德尔和谐系数 Tab 2 Kendall coordination coefficient of two rounds expert consultation
Item Round 1 Round 2
W χ2 P W χ2 P
Primary indexes 0.279 88.37 <0.05 0.448 80.428 <0.05
Secondary indexes 0.340 117.12 <0.05 0.223 96.58 <0.05
Tertiary indexes 0.382 123.06 <0.05 0.342 136.88 <0.05
Total 0.323 226.45 <0.05 0.396 232.21 <0.05
2.4 专家函询结果


3 讨论 3.1 构建儿科医务人员传染病应急能力评价体系的意义


3.2 基于PPRR理论构建儿科医务人员传染病应急能力评价体系具有较强的科学性和创新意义

本研究基于PPRR理论模型的突发事件应对周期,采用文献分析法和半结构式访谈法,从预防、准备、应对、恢复4个维度深度剖析儿科传染病应急救治环节中对医务人员的能力要求,构建了儿科医务人员传染病应急能力评价体系草案,并采用主客观结合的方法确定指标体系,保证科学性和合理性。参加本研究的18名函询专家分别来自3个省份的7所医院和2家院校,均具有相关的专业和教育背景,7名具备传染病救援经历。2轮专家函询有效问卷回收率分别为100%和94.44%,提出建议的专家比例分别为78.9%和36.8%,表明专家的参与积极性较高;Cr为0.866 5,表明专家团队权威性较高;肯德尔和谐系数和显著性检验表明专家的意见趋于一致,结果的可信度较高。本研究构建的能力指标体系聚焦于儿科传染病,具有较好的针对性。在儿科传染病救治的过程中,除了医疗应对和传染病救护原则,课题组考虑信息获取和心理调适等要素,使突发事件的应对举措更为全面,更为契合新时代服务对象的需求。

3.3 儿科医务人员传染病应急能力评价体系具有较强的实用价值



伦理声明  无。

利益冲突  所有作者声明不存在利益冲突。

作者贡献  唐文娟:研究策划与推进、文章撰写;邵珍珍:数据收集与录入;季涧琳:数据收集与统计;陆群峰:论文撰写过程中的各项指导;陈嘉玲:研究开展与论文撰写过程中的各项指导。

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通信作者(Corresponding authors).
陈嘉玲, Tel: 021-52976237, E-mail: chenjl@shchildren.com.cn.
上海市卫生健康委员会科研项目(202150022), 上海交通大学医学院护理学科人才项目(SJTUHLXK2022)
Foundation item
Supported by ScientificResearch Project of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission (202150022) and Nursing Talents Program of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School ofMedicine (SJTUHLXK2022)
