

Interpretation of "Chinese expert consensus on transradial access in percutaneous peripheral interventions"

  • 摘要: 2023年, 中国抗癌协会肿瘤介入学专业委员会组织全国范围内的介入专家制定了首个《经桡动脉入路外周介入中国专家共识》。本文将对共识中经桡动脉入路(transradial access, TRA)外周介入的应用现状、优势及局限性、桡动脉解剖学特征、患者选择、操作规范、常见并发症预防与处理、辐射剂量及学习曲线7大方面的主要观点以及共识出台的背景进行解读。


    Abstract: The Chinese Society of Interventional Oncology, China Anti-Cancer Association organized nationwide experts to formulate the first "Chinese expert consensus on transradial access (TRA) in percutaneous peripheral interventions" in 2023. This article interprets the main views of the consensus in terms of the status, advantages and limitations of TRA in peripheral interventions, anatomical characteristics of radial artery, patient selection, operation standards, prevention and management of common complications, radiation dose and learning curve, as well as the background of the consensus.


