Comparative interpretation of expert consensuses on the transradial access for neurointerventional diagnosis and treatment
摘要: 经桡动脉入路(transradial access, TRA)是神经介入诊疗的新兴领域和发展趋势, 近期我国有两部相关专家共识陆续发布, 为行TRA神经介入诊疗提供规范性指导。本文通过归纳与对比两部共识的异同, 并结合最新临床研究结果, 对两部专家共识进行解读, 为行TRA神经介入的医师提供参考。Abstract: Transradial access (TRA) is an emerging field and trend of neurointervention. Recently, two relevant expert consensuses have been issued in China, which provide standardized guidance for the operation of TRA in neurointerventional treatment. This article summarizes and compares the two expert consensuses, and combines the results of latest clinical researches to interpret the two expert consensuses, providing references for physicians performing TRA neurointervention.