简佑容, 陈世耀. 肝硬化性心肌病病理生理学特点及治疗策略的研究进展[J]. 中国临床医学, 2018, 25(3): 481-486.
引用本文: 简佑容, 陈世耀. 肝硬化性心肌病病理生理学特点及治疗策略的研究进展[J]. 中国临床医学, 2018, 25(3): 481-486.
Reserch progresses on the pathophysiology and treatment strategies of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy[J]. Chin J Clin Med, 2018, 25(3): 481-486.
Citation: Reserch progresses on the pathophysiology and treatment strategies of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy[J]. Chin J Clin Med, 2018, 25(3): 481-486.


Reserch progresses on the pathophysiology and treatment strategies of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy

  • 摘要: 肝硬化性心肌病(cirrhotic cardiomyopathy,CCM)是肝硬化常见的并发症之一。静息状态下该病较隐匿,无明显临床表现,应激状态下才能发展为显性心力衰竭,因而对其重视程度尚不够。应激状态下迟钝的心脏收缩反应、舒张功能不全、电生理异常(尤其是QTc间期延长)是该疾病的特征表现。该病发病机制不明,目前尚缺乏特异性的治疗措施。与非CCM导致的心力衰竭相比,药物治疗效果局限。原位肝移植作为终末期肝病的最终治疗选择,被证实可逆转CCM患者心脏功能异常,但应注重移植前心功能的评估。目前需要研究更加准确的诊断工具和制定有效的CCM治疗策略。因此,本文就CCM的病理生理特点及治疗策略的进展作一综述。


    Abstract: Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy(CCM) is one of the common complications of cirrhosis .Due to CCM remains asymptomatic in the resting state, it becomes overt heart failure only under stress, and has not be paid more attention. It is characterized by impaired contractile responsiveness to stress, altered diastolic relaxation, electrophysiological abnormalities(especially QTc interval prolongation). At present, the pathogenesis of CCM is unknown, and doesn’t have specific treatment measures.Compared with heart failure caused by other diseases,drug treatment efficacy has limitations.Most of the studies have proved that orthotopic liver transplantation,as the eventual treatment for end-stage liver diseases,may reverse cardiac dysfunction. However,the cardiac function before transplantation should be evaluated.It is crucial to develop more accurate diagnostic tools and effective treatment strategies.This review discusses the advances in the pathophysiology and treatment strategies of CCM.


