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   中国临床医学  2022, Vol. 29 Issue (6): 1034-1038      DOI: 10.12025/j.issn.1008-6358.2022.20220703
严悦梅1,2 , 胡东艳1 , 曹滇誉1 , 王强1     
1. 复旦大学附属中山医院皮肤科, 上海 200032;
2. 嘉兴市第一医院皮肤科, 嘉兴 314000
关键词硬皮病    活血化瘀    中药    机制    
Progression of mechanism research and application of traditional Chinese medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in the treatment of scleroderma
YAN Yue-mei1,2 , HU Dong-yan1 , CAO Dian-yu1 , WANG Qiang1     
1. Department of Dermatology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China;
2. Department of Dermatology, the First Hospital of Jiaxing, Jiaxing University, Jiaxing 314000, Zhejiang, China
Abstract: Scleroderma is a complex, multiorgan, autoimmune disease that is characterized by the progressive fibrosis mainly involving the connective tissue of the skin and internal organs. Based on the traditional Chinese medicine, scleroderma belongs to the category of "Bi Zheng" with blood stasis symptom, which leads to a throughout treatment of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. However, Western medicine believes that scleroderma is excessive deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) of connective tissue caused mainly by vasculopathy, abnormal collagen synthesis and autoimmune disorder. In recent years, an increasing number of researchers have found that some of traditional Chinese herbs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis can successfully improve the inflammation, fibrosis and vasculopathy in the animal models of scleroderma, and these herbs have been gradually applied to scleroderma patients. These results from animal trials accord with Western medicine's understanding of the pathogenesis of scleroderma and provide objective experimental evidence for application of traditional Chinese herbs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in the treatment of scleroderma.
Key words: scleroderma    promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis    traditional Chinese medicine    mechanism    


1 活血化瘀类中药治疗硬皮病的中医依据

根据历代中医典籍的记载,硬皮病归入中医“痹症”范畴,亦称为“皮痹”。即硬皮病是风、寒、湿外邪侵袭,人体气血运行受阻,经脉雍闭,皮肤肌肉荣养失职,久则入内而伤脏气,导致的“痹症”。血瘀不仅是硬皮病形成的主要病机之一,形成的瘀血可使肌肤失去血液濡养,进而导致其他部位症候的出现。上海市名中医秦万章等[7, 9]指出,硬皮病有雷诺氏现象(肢端动脉痉挛症),皮肤肿胀、发硬、皮下硬结及瘀斑,肢体血流缓慢,微循环障碍等血瘀征象,提出了“血瘀发病论”,并采用活血化瘀法治疗。赵党生等[10]也认为,硬皮病的病理机制与瘀血内阻有关,较为系统地提出了硬皮病属皮痹血瘀证这一观点,将本病归纳为“因虚致瘀、外邪致瘀、寒凝致瘀、气痰致瘀”四大病因,瘀血阻滞在皮肤、肌肉、脉络、筋骨、脏腑,而表现出不同的辨证指征。国医大师熊继柏等[11]则运用补阳还五汤治疗硬皮病,此药益气活血通络,药方中川芎、赤芍、红花、桃仁、当归尾活血祛瘀;黄芪补气,气行则血行,祛瘀而通络;当归尾补血活血而不伤血。通过检索1989年1月至2021年4月知网、万方数据库中中药治疗硬皮病相关文献,发现补虚药与活血化瘀药是最常用的两类中药,应用频次位于前10位者分别为当归、黄芪、桂枝、甘草、丹参、熟地黄、白芍、鸡血藤、红花、川芎,其中当归、川穹、丹参、红花、鸡血藤均为活血化瘀药,当归虽为补虚药,亦有活血祛瘀之功效[12]。可见活血化瘀类中药在治疗硬皮病中广泛应用。

2 活血化瘀类中药治疗硬皮病的西医依据 2.1 抗纤维化


成纤维细胞是合成胶原纤维的主要细胞,体外实验[14]发现17味活血化瘀中药具有抑制人类皮肤成纤维细胞增殖的作用,其中9味中药效果最为显著。为进一步研究这9味中药对皮肤成纤维细胞胶原合成的影响,该团队测定了细胞上清液中羟脯氨酸含量,发现4味活血化瘀中药(积雪草、丹参、茜草、当归)能不同程度抑制硬皮病患者真皮成纤维细胞合成胶原蛋白的能力;另外4味(丹皮、苏木、赤芍、川芎)的作用不明显;红花对皮肤成纤维细胞合成胶原有促进作用[15]。该团队后续研究[16]证实,丹参的4种有效成分(丹参酮Ⅱ A、丹参素、丹参多酚酸盐、原儿茶醛)能有效抑制硬皮病患者真皮成纤维细胞的增殖能力,以及Ⅰ、Ⅲ型前胶原的mRNA表达水平,显示出较强的抗纤维化作用。此外,孙春斌等[17]发现,中药三七及其有效成分三七总皂苷可减少细胞外基质以及胶原纤维沉积,缓解肺纤维化进程,可能与抑制PI3K/AKT/mTOR信号通路,激活细胞自噬,从而缓解肺纤维化有关。积雪草苷是活血化瘀中药积雪草的有效提取物。李晶冰等研究[18]发现,积雪草苷能抑制硬皮病患者皮肤成纤维细胞增殖,减少成纤维细胞自分泌转化生长因子β1(TGF-β1),从而抑制胶原合成,减少细胞外基质沉积。

2.2 调节免疫炎症


2.3 改善血管损伤


3 小结与展望



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通信作者(Corresponding authors).
王强, Tel: 021-64041990, E-mail: wang.qiang@zs-hospital.sh.cn.
上海市科委生物医药领域重点项目(18401931700), 上海市卫健委上海市中医药管理局项目(2016ZJP001)
Foundation item
Supported by the Key Biomedical Program of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission (18401931700), and Project of Shanghai Municipal Administrator of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission (2016ZJP001)
